The bitch fed the motherless tiger cubs with her milk; seeing their love, people said – Wow! – viral video bitch feeds milks to tiger kids as their mother died after their birth

Have you ever seen organisms of two different species mixing together? If it involves a mother of one species breastfeeding a child of another species, then this is rarely seen. But what if the babies are of a dangerous animal like a tiger and the mother is a bitch? You may find this impossible, but it is true. This impossible incident is clearly seen in an interesting video on social media in which not one but three tiger cubs are seen growing up with a dog family and are seen living together.

This amazing thing happened in the zoo
This viral video has been shared on Instagram with the title “Maternal Bond: Isabella and the Tigers” in Italian. In the video, some tiger cubs are coming near a bitch named Isabel and then this bitch is seen loving these white cubs. This video is said to be from a zoo in which it is said that unfortunately the cubs died after giving birth.

Tiger cubs found mother
But even the zoo staff themselves were not surprised by the sights seen after this. Isabelle fed these children with her milk and also gave them motherly love. The situation is that today even after the cubs grow up, these tigers love Isabel like a mother.

people liked love
This video has recently been shared by an Italian Instagram account named quello_che_non_sapevi_channel, which has been viewed by 3 lakh people so far and liked by 15 thousand people. But there is a catch in the video. In this, while Isabel is somewhat white in colour, another dog is also seen which is brown in colour.

FIRST PUBLISHED: May 17, 2024, 12:50 IST

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